Dance is an important part of Bangladeshi culture.Classical forms of dance occupy a dominant position in Bangladeshi dance.The folk and tribal traits are also observed. Among the tribal dances,the Monipuri and Santalare popular Classical sub-continental dances like Katthak,Bharatanatyamare also getting popular in Bangladesh.
Singing is the best pert of Bengali culture.In Bangladesh the singers sing classical music,folk song,and modern songs. like jatra, jarigan, sharigan, kabigan, palligiti, Nazrul shangeet Rabindranath Baul,Bhaowai,Kaowali,Monipuri etc are the traditional song form of Bangladesh. Dhol, Tabla, Sharad, Shetara,Flute, Dotara etc. are the local musical instrument of Bangladesh.Bangladeshi people are very song loving people.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dress patterns of Bengalis has a great importants in Bengali culture. The people of Bangladesh wear different kind of dresses.Many women of Bangladesh wear sari and blouses.Some wear shalwar and kameez.Some wear frock-skirt and other wear long skirt and tops.Women also put Mehendi on their hand during occasion.Men wear trousers and shirt.Traditional wear of men is Punjabi and Pyjama.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Different regions make different styles of “achar’(Pickles).It has the great importance in Bengali food culture.It is made by fruits.Its common ingredient include lemon, ginger, onion, garlic, etc.It is enjoyed with curries,Polao,Parata,breads and other dishes to add a new dimension of flavour.
Kheer is traditionally made with milk,rice and sugar or gur.It is an essential dish in many celebrations.It is the most common dessert or sweet dish in any celebrations.
Pitha is one of the most traditional food in Bengali food culture.Various kind of pitha is made in this country among different regions. These are made by maida,sugar or gur,milk and coconut.These pitha were made mostly in winter in village.In many occasion like wedding,nabbanno utshob or any religious festival pitha were made.
Fuchka is the most popular food among the urban people in Bangladesh.It is very crispy and spicy.Nowadays we get fuchka’s in a lot of fast food shops.But we still get the best ones from the “push-cart sellers”. People still enjoy standing next to a fuchka “walla” & waiting for turn to come.
Biriyani is the most delicious food in Bengali food culture.People love to eat this delicious food in our country.There are many kinds of biryanis found in this country.This dish is made from a mixture of spices, rice, meat and vegetable .Weddings in Dhaka are incomplete without this meal.Bangladeshi biryani is the most well known biriyani in countries outside Asia.
Khichuri is another delicious food in Bengali food culture.Many people of Bangladesh love this dish very much.This is made by rice and daal.Also it is mixed with vegetable.Sometimes it is also mixed with meat.People enjoyed this dish with egg,fish,meat or achar(pickles) .
Bangladesh has a very different food culture. A staple across the country is rice,fish,daal,meat,pulse and vegetables.Though Bangladesh is a rivaral country so Bengali people eat a lot of fishes.Bangladeshi food has its distinct taste and character. Especially the variety of our curry dishes. Fish features as the major source of protein in Bangladeshi diet. There is also a saying which goes, “Mach-e-Bhat-e-Bangali”, fish and rice make a Bengali!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Pahela Baishakh is the most colorful festival of Bengali culture.The month of Baishakh is the first month of Bengali year.Pahela Baishakh the first day of Bengali of Baishakh is celebrated as a New Year.In our social life this day is very important.We celebrate this day by different functions and activities.On this day fairs are organized at many places in our country. Women wears white Sari with red borders and men wears Punjabi & Pajama.Bengali people eat panta-rice(rice with water) with smash Potato & Hilsha fish.Various toys and things made in our country are sold in fairs.Various sports and games are organized in these fairs.The joy of people has no bounds in this day.This is the most important day of Bengali Culture.
From the 26th of March the war of independence started.The war continued for nine mounts On the 16th December 1971 the country was free from the enemies.This day is our victory day.We celebrate his day with very joyfully every year.
26th of March is our Independence Day.During the past the west Pakistanis were favored more in education,in jobs,in trade and in commerce and in all other fields.The people of East Pakistan always raised protest against these.The rulers of Pakistan chose to suppress the movement.On the night of 25th March 1971,the Pakistani army attacked the Bengalis.They killed many Bangalies.After this killing the people of East Pakistan become agitated,For this reason 26th March they waged a war to free the country from the Pakistani rulers.For this reason 26th March is our national day.
In Bangladeshi culture national days are very important.These days have special meaning in our lives.Every year we celebrate these days.The days are:
The Martyr's Day,
The Independence Day &
The Victory Day.
The 21st of February is our Martyrs' day.Every year we celebrate this day with great importance.From very beginning,the rulers of Pakistan were tiring to make "Urdu" our state language.But people of East Pakistan did not accept it.They started movement to make "Bengali" the state language.On 21st February 1952 a few students were martyred by police firing on a procession.We call them language martyrs.The 21st February is called Martyred Day because they were martered for the language.We celebrate this day nationally.
Bangladesh is very well known for its colorful culture. We celebrate different religious festivals.For example,the Muslims celebrate the Eid-Ul-Fitr,the Eid-ul-Adha,the Shab-e Barat,Eid-e-Miladunnabi,etc.the Hindus celebrate the Durga Puja,Laxmi Puja etc.The Buddhistst celebrate the Buddho Purnima,the Maghi Purnima etc.The Christians celebrate the Christmas Day,the Good Friday,the Easter Sunday,etc.